Please indicate your name and
the conference reference number 0942 on all money transfers.
The Symposium secretariat will not be responsible for identifying funds
transferred directly to the account when name of the participant or
invoice number is not mentioned, nor will the secretariat accept
charges of bank fees associated with the transfer.
Payment should be made in advance
using one of the following methods:
- American Express, Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard may be used for all
charges. Please indicate card number, expiry date and CCV-code on the
registration form.
- Transfer to SHB (Svenska Handelsbanken, Box 7190, SE-103 88
Stockholm, Sweden, BIC/SWIFT-code: HANDSESS).
Account no. 589 715 542
IBAN no. SE48 6000 0000 0005 8971 5542
in SEK to Congrex Sweden AB, Attn: 7th International Space Syntax
Symposium 2009
- Banker's draft, which should be sent together with the registration
form by ordinary mail. The Banker's draft should be purchased at your
bank and made out in SEK to Congrex, Swedan AB, Attn: 7th International
Space Syntax Symposium 2009. Please cross the draft. We are not able to
accept personal cheques or Eurocheques. Please send the Banker's draft
to: Congrex Sweden AB, Attn: 7th International Space Syntax Symposium
2009, P.O. Box 5619, SE-144 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Scandinavian
residents may pay by bank transfer or BankGiro 224-7021.
As from 3 weeks before the Symposium we only accept credit card as
payment. Registrations, hotel reservations and events will be confirmed
when Congrex has received payment.
Admission to the Symposium is granted only if Congrex has received the
registration fee. Delegates, who have made late payments, should bring
a proof of payment to the Symposium. Failure to produce this on request
gives Congrex the right to charge the amount to your credit card.